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How your hair changes throughout your life

Sometimes we notice a change in our hair, and have no idea where it's come from, or why it's happening.

Well, did you know that your hair changes all throughout your life?


The texture of newborn is really fine and soft, with the diameter of the hair (thickness) increasing as we get older. This can also be why your hair changes texture from angel curls to straight as the density of the hair can change the texture.


Who doesn't go through a phase at this age?!

It's all about experimenting and trying new things, whether that's colours, heated tools, or cuts. However, at this age, we're also typically to young to care about our hair, and what all of these things are really doing to it. Over processing, and excessive heat damage will really take a toll over time- however, when caught this young, it can be reversible!

To help any damage caused, go to a professional Salon to have your hair coloured by someone who is trained to achieve the colour you would like whilst keeping the hair's integrity, and use heat protection!


After trying new and wild things with our hair, it may be feeling a bit more fragile and thinner than usual. This can also be due to the change in hormones in our bodies at this age. For example, a lot of young woman suffer from a thyroid issue in their twenties, and this can have a major effect on the hair.

Much like starting to use suncream young, it's important to shield our hair from UV rays from a young age too. There are lots of amazing products out there that have UV protection (such as Day Of Grace leave in conditioner), and pop on a sunhat too.


Did you know that everyone has their own hair cycle? New hair grows through, stops, falls out, and and a new one comes through. Everyone's hair cycle length is different, it could be 7 years, or ten! This is why you will notice that your hair will only ever grow to a certain length, and stop.

After time, hair will get gradually thinner as it is falling out and being replaced by a new one. Try taking hair supplements that contain Biotin (a hair protein) to keep your hair strong.

A lot of woman this age also thinking about having children, which can have a huge effect on our hair. Click here to find out more about it.


Those pesky hormones are back and in full force, with the menopause in sight. This can vary from overall thinning to hair loss + bald spots, due to the fluctuating levels of hormones, and medication. It is totally normal to notice more hair falling out in the shower or turning up in your hairbrush.

Certain medication can have an effect on your hair, such as birth control pills and H.R.T. It may be worth speaking to your health professional if you are experiencing any extra noticeable hair loss whilst on a new medication, to see if you can swap to something similar without the side effects.

To help with this, try a lighter Shampoo and Conditioner to encourage body and thickness in the hair, such as EVO's Gluttony and Bride of Gluttony.

50's +

Coming in to your fifties and sixties, your hair scalp will naturally stop making as much sebum (oil), which can be great in terms of less hair washing, but not so great that your hair will feel drier as a result. Use lots of moisturising products on your hair such as The Therapist Shampoo and Conditioner, and treatment masks, to help replace and improve the smoothness and shine of your hair.

When losing pigment in the hair and 'going grey', the hair also loses it's softness. Adding a few soft and subtle highlights to blend in greys to your exisiting hair colour to 'go grey naturally' or have a low maintenance beautiful blended colour can really help with not only your confidence but texture of your hair too.

Book in to talk to one of our experienced specialists today to see what they'd recommend for you here.

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